It seems when men go gray, they’re thought to be distinguished. But when women go gray, some people say they’re getting older. Now, the gray of old – is seeing a new day. Gray hair is suddenly where it’s at for a lot of women and for different reasons. Instead of trying to hide the gray, many now embrace it. Even celebrities like Kelly Osbourne and singer Rihanna are getting in on the trend. “It’s just a really nice way, I think, for someone to express themselves, and it can look so good if it’s on the right skin tone or eye color,” Edmondo Blando, owner of and stylist at Salon Vanity. “We’re seeing a lot of these girls coming in who have everyday jobs that are going into these platinum looks or accents pieces. It’s beautiful.” Blando says he first noticed the trend seven years ago on the fashion runways in Italy, with models both young and old sporting gray hair. Watch online at